that he intends to present this site to the public in total obedience
to the Catholic Church, and if the competent Ecclesiastical Authority
requires, he is ready to modify or cancel its contents;
that the words “she died in the odour of sanctity”, referred
to Sr Rita Montella of the Holy Spirit, express a private opinion of many
faithful who think she lived a holy life, but they intend to leave the
final judgement on her sanctity to the Church;
that only human faith is due to the supernatural phenomena described on
this site, according to the Decrees of Pope Urban VIII and the Decree
of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, published in
“Acta Apostolicae Sedis (A.A.S. n.58/18, 29-12- 1966, approved by
Paul VI on 14-10-1966); readers are reminded that according to this Decree
it is not forbidden to publish without “imprimatur” writings
concerning supernatural facts.